#Author : Neeraj (neerajvayu123@gmail.com), please share your feedback that's the only thing i want in return of this script
#As of now only creation of unique resource group is possible but in later version I will add menu driven VM, VNET, VPN creations, more things to come, keep on sharing this and please give your feedback and suggestions because that is more important for me to make such scripts
#Author : Neeraj Kumar Jha
#Date : 20-March-2018, Time : 10:54 PM IST
#Version : 1.2 #Date modified : 28th May
#Added feature : You can see resource of resource group
#Upcoming feature in pipeline : List resource by TYPE in the resource group
function menu
write-host "Select your working unit:"
echo "1.Resource Group" "2.Virtual Machine" "3.vNet" "4.Exit"
$ch=read-host "Enter Action no:"
if($ch -eq 1)
RsGrp #calling function to manage resource group
if($ch -eq 2)
VMM #calling function to manage VM
if($ch -eq 3)
Vnet #calling function to manage virtual network
if($ch -eq 4)
write-host "Thanks for using NeerajVayu Azure code" -BackgroundColor yellow -ForegroundColor blue
function RsGrp
write-host "Select your choice"
echo "1.View Resource Group" "2.Create Resource Group" "3.View Resources in Group" "4.View Resource by Type" "5.Back to main menu"
$ch=read-host "Enter your choice no"
if($ch -eq 1)
if($ch -eq 2)
if($ch -eq 3)
#function Compute_list($compute_name)
if($ch -eq 4)
if($ch -eq 5)
function VMM
function Vnet
#region Resource Group [****]
########## Compute_list Function to see resources by type ########
function Compute_list
write-host "Select resource type to list" -BackgroundColor yellow -ForegroundColor blue
echo ""
write-host "===========================" -BackgroundColor yellow -ForegroundColor red
write-host "1.Availability Sets" -BackgroundColor yellow -ForegroundColor black
write-host "2.Disks" -BackgroundColor yellow -ForegroundColor black
write-host "3.Virtual Machines" -BackgroundColor yellow -ForegroundColor black
write-host "4.Network Interfaces" -BackgroundColor yellow -ForegroundColor black
write-host "5.Network Security Groups" -BackgroundColor yellow -ForegroundColor black
write-host "6.Public IP Addresses" -BackgroundColor yellow -ForegroundColor black
write-host "7.Virtual Networks" -BackgroundColor yellow -ForegroundColor black
write-host "8.Back to main menu" -BackgroundColor yellow -ForegroundColor black
write-host "===========================" -BackgroundColor yellow -ForegroundColor red
echo ""
$ch=read-host "Enter your choice"
#Future enhancement
#Get-AzureRmResource |where-object -Property ResourceType -eq "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines" | where-object -Property location -eq "centralus"
#Get-AzureRmResource |where-object -Property ResourceType -eq "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines" | where-object -Property ResourceGroupName -eq "LinuxRsGrp"
#end Future enhancement
1 { Get-AzureRmResource |where-object -Property ResourceType -eq "Microsoft.Compute/availabilitySets" }
2 { Get-AzureRmResource |where-object -Property ResourceType -eq "Microsoft.Compute/disks" }
3 { Get-AzureRmResource |where-object -Property ResourceType -eq "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines" }
4 { Get-AzureRmResource |where-object -Property ResourceType -eq "Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks" }
5 { Get-AzureRmResource |where-object -Property ResourceType -eq "Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces" }
6 { Get-AzureRmResource |where-object -Property ResourceType -eq "Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups" }
7 { Get-AzureRmResource |where-object -Property ResourceType -eq "Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses" }
8 { menu }
default {"Invalid entry"}
echo ""
echo ""
read-host "Press Enter key to continue"
echo ""
echo ""
echo "Back to previous menu..."
echo ". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . %100"
######### End function Compute_list ##########
function RsGrp_view # function RsGrp_view Start
echo ""
read-host "Press ENTER to continue"
} # function RsGrp_view end
function RsGrp_create # function RsGrp_create Start
echo ""
echo ""
$RsGrp_name=read-host "Enter resource group name:"
write-host "select location like" -BackgroundColor yellow -ForegroundColor blue
write-host "==============" -BackgroundColor yellow -ForegroundColor red
write-host "East US" -BackgroundColor yellow -ForegroundColor black
write-host "Central US" -BackgroundColor yellow -ForegroundColor black
write-host "Central India" -BackgroundColor yellow -ForegroundColor black
write-host "etc..." -BackgroundColor yellow -ForegroundColor black
write-host "==============" -BackgroundColor yellow -ForegroundColor red
write-host ""
$RsGrp_location =read-host "Enter resource group location:"
$rsn=Get-AzureRmResourceGroup |select ResourceGroupName
#comparing the resource group :
foreach($rsname in $rsn)
if($RsGrp_name -eq $rsname.ResourceGroupName)
if($flag -eq 1)
write-host "This Resource group already exist, please select another name" -BackgroundColor red -ForegroundColor yellow
echo ""
write-host -NoNewline "Going to main menu in 5 seconds..." -BackgroundColor green -ForegroundColor white
write-host "Creating ResourceGroup..." $RsGrp_name -BackgroundColor green -ForegroundColor white
New-AzureRmResourceGroup -name $RsGrp_name -location $RsGrp_location -Confirm:$false
write-host "Please view RG status to check" -BackgroundColor green -ForegroundColor white
echo ""
echo ""
write-host -NoNewline "Loading resource group list"
echo ""
echo ""
read-host "Press ENTER KEY to continue"
##################### function RsGrp_create End
function RsGrp_item #############function RsGrp_item start - this is to list down resource by specific resource grp name
Write-host " Fetching resource group details, please wait for few seconds...."
echo ""
$rsgrp=Get-AzureRmResourceGroup | select ResourceGroupName
write-host "Available Resource groups" -BackgroundColor yellow -ForegroundColor blue
write-host "========================"
foreach($item in $rsgrp)
write-host " Resource Group Name -- " $item.ResourceGroupName -BackgroundColor yellow -ForegroundColor black
echo ""
Write-host "No of Resource group : " $rscount -BackgroundColor yellow -ForegroundColor red
$RsGrp_choice = read-host "Enter resource group Name to see details, Press '1' to return to main menu:"
if($RsGrp_choice -eq 1)
get-AzureRmResourceGroup -name $RsGrp_choice
$rsch= read-host "Want to continue [y/n]"
if($rsch -eq "y")
{ RSgrp_item }
elseif($rsch -eq "n")
{ RsGrp }
else { main }
read-host "Press Enter key to go back to Resource Group menu"
#endregion Resource Group [****]
function progress # function progress Start
write-host -NoNewline ". "
sleep 1
write-host -NoNewline ". "
sleep 1
write-host -NoNewline ". "
sleep 1
write-host -NoNewline ". "
sleep 1
write-host -NoNewline ". Done"
sleep 1
write-host ""
echo ""
} # function progress End
#As of now only creation of unique resource group is possible but in later version I will add menu driven VM, VNET, VPN creations, more things to come, keep on sharing this and please give your feedback and suggestions because that is more important for me to make such scripts
#Author : Neeraj Kumar Jha
#Date : 20-March-2018, Time : 10:54 PM IST
#Version : 1.2 #Date modified : 28th May
#Added feature : You can see resource of resource group
#Upcoming feature in pipeline : List resource by TYPE in the resource group
function menu
write-host "Select your working unit:"
echo "1.Resource Group" "2.Virtual Machine" "3.vNet" "4.Exit"
$ch=read-host "Enter Action no:"
if($ch -eq 1)
RsGrp #calling function to manage resource group
if($ch -eq 2)
VMM #calling function to manage VM
if($ch -eq 3)
Vnet #calling function to manage virtual network
if($ch -eq 4)
write-host "Thanks for using NeerajVayu Azure code" -BackgroundColor yellow -ForegroundColor blue
function RsGrp
write-host "Select your choice"
echo "1.View Resource Group" "2.Create Resource Group" "3.View Resources in Group" "4.View Resource by Type" "5.Back to main menu"
$ch=read-host "Enter your choice no"
if($ch -eq 1)
if($ch -eq 2)
if($ch -eq 3)
#function Compute_list($compute_name)
if($ch -eq 4)
if($ch -eq 5)
function VMM
function Vnet
#region Resource Group [****]
########## Compute_list Function to see resources by type ########
function Compute_list
write-host "Select resource type to list" -BackgroundColor yellow -ForegroundColor blue
echo ""
write-host "===========================" -BackgroundColor yellow -ForegroundColor red
write-host "1.Availability Sets" -BackgroundColor yellow -ForegroundColor black
write-host "2.Disks" -BackgroundColor yellow -ForegroundColor black
write-host "3.Virtual Machines" -BackgroundColor yellow -ForegroundColor black
write-host "4.Network Interfaces" -BackgroundColor yellow -ForegroundColor black
write-host "5.Network Security Groups" -BackgroundColor yellow -ForegroundColor black
write-host "6.Public IP Addresses" -BackgroundColor yellow -ForegroundColor black
write-host "7.Virtual Networks" -BackgroundColor yellow -ForegroundColor black
write-host "8.Back to main menu" -BackgroundColor yellow -ForegroundColor black
write-host "===========================" -BackgroundColor yellow -ForegroundColor red
echo ""
$ch=read-host "Enter your choice"
#Future enhancement
#Get-AzureRmResource |where-object -Property ResourceType -eq "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines" | where-object -Property location -eq "centralus"
#Get-AzureRmResource |where-object -Property ResourceType -eq "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines" | where-object -Property ResourceGroupName -eq "LinuxRsGrp"
#end Future enhancement
1 { Get-AzureRmResource |where-object -Property ResourceType -eq "Microsoft.Compute/availabilitySets" }
2 { Get-AzureRmResource |where-object -Property ResourceType -eq "Microsoft.Compute/disks" }
3 { Get-AzureRmResource |where-object -Property ResourceType -eq "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines" }
4 { Get-AzureRmResource |where-object -Property ResourceType -eq "Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks" }
5 { Get-AzureRmResource |where-object -Property ResourceType -eq "Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces" }
6 { Get-AzureRmResource |where-object -Property ResourceType -eq "Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups" }
7 { Get-AzureRmResource |where-object -Property ResourceType -eq "Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses" }
8 { menu }
default {"Invalid entry"}
echo ""
echo ""
read-host "Press Enter key to continue"
echo ""
echo ""
echo "Back to previous menu..."
echo ". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . %100"
######### End function Compute_list ##########
function RsGrp_view # function RsGrp_view Start
echo ""
read-host "Press ENTER to continue"
} # function RsGrp_view end
function RsGrp_create # function RsGrp_create Start
echo ""
echo ""
$RsGrp_name=read-host "Enter resource group name:"
write-host "select location like" -BackgroundColor yellow -ForegroundColor blue
write-host "==============" -BackgroundColor yellow -ForegroundColor red
write-host "East US" -BackgroundColor yellow -ForegroundColor black
write-host "Central US" -BackgroundColor yellow -ForegroundColor black
write-host "Central India" -BackgroundColor yellow -ForegroundColor black
write-host "etc..." -BackgroundColor yellow -ForegroundColor black
write-host "==============" -BackgroundColor yellow -ForegroundColor red
write-host ""
$RsGrp_location =read-host "Enter resource group location:"
$rsn=Get-AzureRmResourceGroup |select ResourceGroupName
#comparing the resource group :
foreach($rsname in $rsn)
if($RsGrp_name -eq $rsname.ResourceGroupName)
if($flag -eq 1)
write-host "This Resource group already exist, please select another name" -BackgroundColor red -ForegroundColor yellow
echo ""
write-host -NoNewline "Going to main menu in 5 seconds..." -BackgroundColor green -ForegroundColor white
write-host "Creating ResourceGroup..." $RsGrp_name -BackgroundColor green -ForegroundColor white
New-AzureRmResourceGroup -name $RsGrp_name -location $RsGrp_location -Confirm:$false
write-host "Please view RG status to check" -BackgroundColor green -ForegroundColor white
echo ""
echo ""
write-host -NoNewline "Loading resource group list"
echo ""
echo ""
read-host "Press ENTER KEY to continue"
##################### function RsGrp_create End
function RsGrp_item #############function RsGrp_item start - this is to list down resource by specific resource grp name
Write-host " Fetching resource group details, please wait for few seconds...."
echo ""
$rsgrp=Get-AzureRmResourceGroup | select ResourceGroupName
write-host "Available Resource groups" -BackgroundColor yellow -ForegroundColor blue
write-host "========================"
foreach($item in $rsgrp)
write-host " Resource Group Name -- " $item.ResourceGroupName -BackgroundColor yellow -ForegroundColor black
echo ""
Write-host "No of Resource group : " $rscount -BackgroundColor yellow -ForegroundColor red
$RsGrp_choice = read-host "Enter resource group Name to see details, Press '1' to return to main menu:"
if($RsGrp_choice -eq 1)
get-AzureRmResourceGroup -name $RsGrp_choice
$rsch= read-host "Want to continue [y/n]"
if($rsch -eq "y")
{ RSgrp_item }
elseif($rsch -eq "n")
{ RsGrp }
else { main }
read-host "Press Enter key to go back to Resource Group menu"
#endregion Resource Group [****]
function progress # function progress Start
write-host -NoNewline ". "
sleep 1
write-host -NoNewline ". "
sleep 1
write-host -NoNewline ". "
sleep 1
write-host -NoNewline ". "
sleep 1
write-host -NoNewline ". Done"
sleep 1
write-host ""
echo ""
} # function progress End
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