Solution -- Created by tech-jockey on OCT 9 2015
In a situation when you are handeling large virtualized environment and you have for example 5000 of vms running.
Your manager gives you list of 600 vms and asking you to verify whether they are running or not.
If you decided to do it manually in vCenter then you are wasting time.
Use below script to get this thing done in one shot
1. Create a csv file and put the vm names there like below
2. save it as file.csv or anyname which you want
3. Use below script which will check and show whether vm found or not found after doing comparison from your sheet.
$dd=Import-Csv c:\neeraj\file.csv #importing your file.csv file to get list of vms
foreach($vl in $dd)
$vv=get-vm -name $ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue #for any other error it will ignore
if($ -eq $
write-host "found :" $
write-host "VM Not Found :" $

#at the end you will see which vm is found which is not found