echo "Welcome to tech_jockey VM search Tool"
echo "====================================="
echo "Welcome to tech_jockey VM search Tool"
echo "====================================="
#Putting multiple vCloud names in the array
$Server = "","","",""
echo "Connecting please wait..."
#connecting all the vCloud at a time so that later on we can fire command
foreach($_ in $Server)
Connect-CIServer $_ -credential $cred
$vmn=read-host "Enter VM name"
$vmm=Get-CIVM $vmn.tostring()
write-host "Name: " $vmm.Name -ForegroundColor blue -BackgroundColor yellow
write-host "Org: " $vmm.Org -ForegroundColor blue -BackgroundColor yellow
write-host "OrgVDC: "$vmm.OrgvDC -ForegroundColor blue -BackgroundColor yellow
write-host "Status: "$vmm.status -ForegroundColor blue -BackgroundColor yellow
write-host "OS name: "$vmm.guestOSFullName -ForegroundColor blue -BackgroundColor yellow
Write-Host "vAPP Name: "$vmm.VApp -ForegroundColor blue -BackgroundColor yellow
write-host "vCD Name: "$vmm.Client.ServiceUri -ForegroundColor blue -BackgroundColor yellow
echo "Thanks for using VM search tool"
echo "Author : Neeraj Jha And Gautam Johar"
echo "Welcome to tech_jockey VM search Tool"
echo "====================================="
echo "Welcome to tech_jockey VM search Tool"
echo "====================================="
#Putting multiple vCloud names in the array
$Server = "","","",""
echo "Connecting please wait..."
#connecting all the vCloud at a time so that later on we can fire command
foreach($_ in $Server)
Connect-CIServer $_ -credential $cred
$vmn=read-host "Enter VM name"
$vmm=Get-CIVM $vmn.tostring()
write-host "Name: " $vmm.Name -ForegroundColor blue -BackgroundColor yellow
write-host "Org: " $vmm.Org -ForegroundColor blue -BackgroundColor yellow
write-host "OrgVDC: "$vmm.OrgvDC -ForegroundColor blue -BackgroundColor yellow
write-host "Status: "$vmm.status -ForegroundColor blue -BackgroundColor yellow
write-host "OS name: "$vmm.guestOSFullName -ForegroundColor blue -BackgroundColor yellow
Write-Host "vAPP Name: "$vmm.VApp -ForegroundColor blue -BackgroundColor yellow
write-host "vCD Name: "$vmm.Client.ServiceUri -ForegroundColor blue -BackgroundColor yellow
echo "Thanks for using VM search tool"
echo "Author : Neeraj Jha And Gautam Johar"