Think of the scenario where vm is running with hardware version 10, edit option is grayed out in VC 5.5.
The only way to do it was from web client and that was also not opening due to some issue.
I have written a Powershell script and performed this activity without any issue.
Script :
get-vm -name vmname1
stop-vmguest -VM vmname1-Confirm:$false
set-vm -vm vmname1-MemoryGB 32
$proccount = 10
$corecount = 1
$spec = new-object -typename VMware.VIM.virtualmachineconfigspec -property @{'numcorespersocket'=$corecount;'numCPUs'=$proccount}
(Get-VM –Name vmname1).ExtensionData.ReconfigVM_Task($spec)
start-vm -VM vmname1-Confirm:$false
The only way to do it was from web client and that was also not opening due to some issue.
I have written a Powershell script and performed this activity without any issue.
Script :
get-vm -name vmname1
stop-vmguest -VM vmname1-Confirm:$false
set-vm -vm vmname1-MemoryGB 32
$proccount = 10
$corecount = 1
$spec = new-object -typename VMware.VIM.virtualmachineconfigspec -property @{'numcorespersocket'=$corecount;'numCPUs'=$proccount}
(Get-VM –Name vmname1).ExtensionData.ReconfigVM_Task($spec)
start-vm -VM vmname1-Confirm:$false